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愛は祝福する価値があります。すべての婚約指輪は、ホワイト ダイヤモンドとオーストラリア最大の自然の驚異であるアーガイル鉱山のピンク ダイヤモンドの独占ブレンドから作られています。すべての特別なパートナーにふさわしい、唯一無二の、心からの愛の告白にしましょう。

32 Results

Ever wondered why Argyle pink diamonds are such a tantalising investment opportunity? Investors have long safeguarded the secret and prestige behind these diamonds, but we believe that our heritage should be accessible to all. Even the smallest of diamonds could potentially see a return. Read more about our diamonds in our educational blogs below:

Diamond Education - learn about the beauty and history behind these precious diamonds and where they come from.

About Pink Kimberley - our story and mission statement in making these diamonds accessible to all.

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